As mentioned above, alcohol use disorder can cause significant changes in brain biochemistry. These changes fuel the addictive pattern and can make people recovering from the addiction vulnerable to relapse. Compare your drinking patterns to measures for alcoholism, with our “‘Am I an Alcoholic? ’ Quiz.” It can help you see how these signs show up in your life or if your relationship with alcohol needs a closer look. Treatment might include medication, spiritual practice, and continuing support programs. Additionally, it might include treatment for psychological problems and medical treatment for any health conditions.

  • If you answered yes to any of these, you may have alcohol use disorder.
  • Sometimes it’s not enough to take a quiz to get the answers you’re looking for.
  • Overindulgence in alcohol can have detrimental effects on different body parts, organs, and body functions.
  • They’ll do a medical examination and inquire about your drinking habits.

Alcoholics may start withdrawing from activities they once enjoyed. Loved ones may notice that the alcoholic is ignoring hobbies that were once important to them. These are both potential signs that drinking alcohol is out of control. In addition, friends and family may find that their loved one starts to withdraw from social activities, especially those that involve drinking. Most people don’t realize what a dangerous substance alcohol is. It may be readily available on store
shelves, but that doesn’t mean that it is safe.

Am I an Alcoholic? High-Functioning Alcoholism Quiz for Alcohol Abuse Symptoms

A functional alcoholic is one of the most difficult types of alcoholics to spot as they do not fit many of these stereotypes. This can cause individuals to be in denial regarding their addiction. These individuals often have stable jobs, families, and are successful. Let’s take a deep dive into what it means to be an alcoholic, what the signs of alcohol use disorder are, and much more.

Why do people drink when they’re sad?

Some people drink alcohol to try to help them feel better, but for people who struggle with anxiety or depression, alcohol usually makes these feelings more intense. This can lead to a vicious cycle of feeling bad, drinking to feel better, and then feeling worse.

While they might drink less frequently than some of the other groups here, they tend to binge when they do drink. This category of individual typically comes from families that do not have high rates of alcohol use disorder. One is known as heavy drinking and the other is known as binge drinking.

What Are The 5 Most Common Causes Of Alcoholism?

A support group can help improve the person’s mental and emotional state and validate their feelings as your loved one continues through recovery. Living with an alcoholic can be incredibly difficult, especially as addiction deepens. As the loved one starts to seek treatment for alcohol addiction, things may not get easier immediately.

  • That is a long way from being diagnosed as an alcoholic, but there are some indications of problematic drinking.
  • People who are heavy drinkers and people who are binge drinkers might suffer from alcohol use disorder, but not necessarily.
  • People who have a mental illness have been shown to have greater rates of alcohol abuse.
  • Over the age of 65, men drinking once per day (or more than seven drinks per week) make heavy drinkers.
  • If you’re a woman who is an alcoholic, it’s so important for you to find out.
  • Alcohol consumption disorder is usually a long-term condition that develops slowly and gradually.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention define moderate drinking as one drink or less for women and 2 drinks or fewer for men. Alcohol-related issues may manifest themselves in varying degrees of severity. Even though AUD is the most severe stage, less severe drinking issues may be just as hazardous.

What Are The Symptoms Of Excessive Alcohol Use?

Answer each question honestly and keep adding your score as you go to be able to calculate your result at the end. The need to drink is so woven into the fabric of their social lives that it’s hard for high functioning AUD sufferers to even recognize there is a problem. Heavy drinking can have a negative impact on several internal organs, but it can also literally alter your brain. Restore Detox Centers offers a safe and comfortable environment that is full of love and support, absent of judgment, guilt, and shame.

Behavioral therapies can also help identify any underlying conditions contributing to alcoholism and allow the alcoholic to pursue treatment for them through a dual diagnosis. For example, people with untreated ADHD4 or depression5 may have greater odds of engaging in alcoholic behaviors. Short-term memory, for example, is particularly affected by drinking too much alcohol
and, as a result, too much booze can often lead to blackouts. If you’ve ever
felt a general sense of unease, guiltiness, or
fear for your health from blackouts, it could mean you’ve got a serious drinking
problem. Starting your day with a beer or a swig of liquor is a pretty solid indicator of
a serious alcohol problem. Too much alcohol has a tendency to directly interact with
certain parts of the brain responsible for short-term memory.


If friends and family notice their loved one shows signs of alcoholism, take our quiz to help determine whether you are living with an alcoholic. Drinking five or more drinks within two hours defines a man as a binge drinker. Women who consume four or more drinks in the same period are considered binge drinkers. Know that, when you see these signs of alcohol addiction, excessive drinking leads to alcohol dependence, withdrawal symptoms, and alcohol use disorder. As the loved one recovers from alcohol addiction, they may face significant stress and pressure. Loved ones of alcoholics should also seek therapy and support of their own.